Updated: May 28, 2024
Source: Alcoa Fjarðaál
Metrics, Targets and Monitoring Protocol
What is measured?
Total export from Fjarðaál as a ratio of total export from Iceland.
Monitoring Protocol
Indicator is updated annually.
Target is not applicable. Will report data.
Possible countermeasures
Not applicable, monitoring only.
Changes of indicator
At the initiative's annual meeting on May 3, 2016 the following change was approved
Orginal text | Changed text |
Net exported products from Fjardaál as a percent of annual exports from Iceland (ISK/year). |
Total export from Fjarðaál as a ratio of total export from Iceland. |
Rationale for change: Ágústa Björnsdóttir, specialist at Alcoa Fjarðaál proposed this change at the annual meeting in 2015. There is no definition available for the concept "net export" and the closest approach is to define it as expenses payed to Icelandic parties. By dividing total export from Iceland with that number we are comparing unrelated numbers. The proposal was discussed in group discussion at the same meeting and the conclusion was to refer it to the steering group which decided to bring it to 2016 annual meeting for approval.
This indicator was originally number 11.1. It was then named Alcoa annual exports and can be found under that number in documents of the project from 2005 and 2006.
The indicator number has been changed twice.
Year | Nr. | Indicator name |
2020 | 4.3.1 | Fjarðaál annual export |
2007 | 3.2 | Fjarðaál annual export |
In 2003, Iceland ran a negative balance of trade as it had done since 1996.
Exports (Million ISK) | % of Exports from Alcoa | Imports (Million ISK) | Balance of Trade (Million ISK) |
182.580 | 0 | 216.525 | -33.945 |
Heimild: Hagstofa Íslands, 2003
Rationale for Indicator Selection
The Fjarðaál aluminum smelter is anticipated to produce 346 thousand tons of aluminum a year for export. The impact of the smelter on Iceland's exports and balance of trade is likely to be significant. Monitoring the degree of influence of Alcoa's exports on Iceland's balance of payments will help assess the long term economic situation of Iceland's balance of trade.
The Fjardaál aluminium smelter is anticipated to produce 322 thousand tons of primary aluminium a year with the market for production being primarily based in Europe and, to some degree, North America. The impact of the smelter on Iceland’s exports and balance of trade is likely to be significant. Monitoring the degree of influence of Alcoa’s exports on Iceland’s balance of payments will help assess the long term economic situation of Iceland’s balance of trade.
From phase I/II report on indicators and baseline from April 2005