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The Environment Agency of Iceland (EAI) and East Iceland Office for Public Health and Environment (PHE) handle surveillance and monitoring according to the Environmental Operating Permit (EOP), laws, and regulations that cover the operation of the two companies. Non-compliance occurs when the companies fail to fulfil the requirements set in the EOP.

The EFA defines two levels of seriousness for non-compliance when regular surveillance is performed.

  1. In the surveillance report, the agents can comment on issues that could be improved but are not considered grave breaches of regulations or the EOP. The EAI and PHE can also offer advice for improvement.
  2. If the breach is serious, a letter requesting improvement is sent to the company.

Instances that the EAI or PHE places in the second category are counted.

There are several deviations in Category Two where the operating license requirements are unmet.

  • In 2008, there were two incidents at Alcoa Fjarðaál. Firstly, a report was not sent to EAI within time limits, and secondly, Fat and oil in sewage were measured beyond allowed limits.
  • In 2009, food regulation No. 522/1994 (Landsvirkjun) was breached according to inspection PHE (Regulation no. 522/1994 on food control and hygiene). Report from PHE (Icelandic only)
  • In 2012, one incidence of increased emission of fluorides to the atmosphere was reported at Alcoa Fjarðaál. Report from EAI (Icelandic only).
  • In 2015, EOP article 2.18 (Alcoa Fjarðaál) was breached when hazardous material was stored outside the fenced area. Report from EAI (Icelandic only)
  • In 2018, there was a breach of EOP article 2.12 (Alcoa Fjarðaál) – Storage of oil-mixed liquids on a gravel area without a sewerage system. Report from EAI (Icelandic only).
  • In 2019, there was a breach of EOP article 2.4 (Alcoa Fjarðaál) -  dust emissions from dust collectors in the port area were above the limit. Report from EAI (Icelandic only).
  • In 2020, there was a breach of EOP article 2.1 (Alcoa Fjarðaál). In July, it was announced that the oil content in the sewer oil separator in the vehicle workshop was above the operating license limit. In November, the oil content in the sewer from one of the settling ponds exceeded the active license target. Report from EAI (Icelandic only).

Updated: May 29, 2024
Source: Landsvirkjun (2015-2024), Alcoa Fjarðaál (2014-2020).

Metrics, Targets and Monitoring Protocol

What is measured?

Number of non-compliances per year. (Project effect: direct).

Monitoring Protocol

Fjardaál and Landsvirkjun monitor this indicator. Every instance is recorded.


Zero non-compliances.

Possible countermeasures

If a breach in the law or regulations occurs, it's the duty of the companies to do amelioration. The companies observe regulations and laws and is there for able to effect frequency of such incident.

Changes of indicator

In the annual general meeting on April 30, 2019, a change in wording was approved.

Table 1. Changes accepted in annual general meeting 2019
Orginal text Changed text
What is measured?

Number of non-compliance per year.

What is measured?

Number of non-compliance category 2, per year.

Monitoring Protocol

Fjardaál and Landsvirkjun monitor this indicator. Every instance is recorded

Monitoring Protocol

The Environment Agency of Iceland (EAI) and East Iceland Office for Public Health an Environment (PHE) handles surveillance and monitoring for this indicator

The rationale for changes: The previous measure is too broadly defined and unrealistic. The number of incidents, category 2, regarding the Environmental Operating Permit (EOP) has been monitored, and this is in accordance with the criteria for choosing an indicator referring to EOP.

This indicator was originally number 34.1. It was then named Compliance with Icelandic Standards and Legislation and can be found under that number in documents of the project from 2005 and 2006.

The indicator number has been changed twice.

Table 1. Changes to name and number of indicator
Year Nr. Indicator name
2020 4.2.2 Compliance to Icelandic regulations
2007 1.6 Compliance to Icelandic Regulations


Basic condition: No deviation.

Rationale for Indicator Selection

As a condition of EIA approval, Alcoa and Landsvirkjun agree to comply with and follow all Icelandic standards and legislation associated with the construction, operation, and maintenance of their facilities.

From phase I/II report on indicators and baseline from April 2005

Further reading

Starfsleyfi fyrir álver Alcoa Fjarðaáls sf

Starfsleyfi fyrir álver Alcoa Fjarðaáls sf


Starfsleyfi fyrir álver Alcoa Fjarðaáls sf., Hrauni 1 í Reyðarfirði.Kt. 520303-4210.

Gefið út af Umhverfisstofnun í samræmi við ákvæði laga nr. 7/1998, um hollustuhætti og mengunarvarnir, og reglugerðar nr. 785/1999, um starfsleyfi fyrir atvinnurekstur sem getur haft í för með sér mengun.

You can view more material related to the indicator by clicking on the link above.