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Figure 1. The accident rate per million driven kilometers on selected routes in East Iceland 2002-2022

Figure 2. Traffic accident on the route Egilsstaðir - Reyðarfjörður.

Figure 3. Traffic accident on the route Reyðarfjörður - Fáskrúðsfjörður. Fáskrúðsfjörður tunnel was opened on September 9, 2005. Therefore, figures for the years 2002 - 2004 apply to the road through Vattarnes.

Figure 4. Traffic accident on the route Egilsstaðir - Hallormsstaður 2002-2022.

Figure 5. Traffic accident on the route Reyðarfjörður - Neskaupstaður. The Norðfjörður tunnel was opened in November 2017. Figures for the years 2002-2016 apply to Oddskarðsvegur. 

Updated: February 13, 2024.
Source: Vegagerðin (2024)

Metrics, Targets and Monitoring Protocol

What is measured?

Number of accidents per km on selected roads. (Project effect: induced):

  • Road between Egilsstaðir and Reyðarfjörður
  • Road between Fáskrúðsfjörður and Reyðarfjörður
  • Road from Egilsstaðir to Hallormsstaðaskógur
  • Road between Reyðarfjörður and Norðfjörður.
Monitoring Protocol

Information about accidents per km on selected roads is collected by the Public Road Authority, that has meters counting the number of cars passing on different roads. Information is gathered by automatic counting.

Changes of indicator

In annual general meeting 2018 a change in wording was approved.

Table 1. Changes accepted in annual general meeting 2018
Orginal text Changed text

Accident frequency on the number of kilometers driven on the following routes:

  • Egilsstaðir - Reyðarfjörður
  • Fáskrúðsfjörður - Reyðarfjörður
  • Egilsstaðir - Hallormsstaðaskógur

Accident frequency on the number of kilometers driven on the following routes:

  • Egilsstaðir - Reyðarfjörður
  • Fáskrúðsfjörður - Reyðarfjörður
  • Egilsstaðir - Hallormsstaðaskógur
  • Reyðarfjörður - Norðfjörður

Rationale for changes: Neskaupstaður og Eskifjörður are within the business area of ​​the smelter, and it is therefore natural that measurements of accident rates include this route.

This indicator was originally number 8.1 and was then part of the indicator Safety in the Community and can be found under that number in documents of the project from 2005 and 2006.

The indicator number has been changed twice.

Table 2. Changes to name and number of indicator
Year Nr. Indicator name
2020 1.5.2 Traffic accidents
2007 1.18b Community Wellbeing


Table 3. Accident frequency on the number of kilometers driven in the period 2000 - 2002
Route Accident rate (accident / million driven kilometers)
Egilsstaðir - Reyðarfjörður 0,9
Reyðarfjörður - Fáskrúðsfjörður 4,9
Egilsstaðir - Hallormsstaðaskógur 0,4

Rationale for Indicator Selection

The Alcoa and Landsvirkjun projects will also increase the numbers of cars in the Fljótsdalur and Fjardaal areas due to employees driving to/from the sites as well as commercial traffic delivering supplies and raw materials to the projects. Monitoring the occurrence of traffic accidents on specific roads associated with the projects will help indicate overall traffic safety so accident mitigation measures could be implemented, if necessary.

From phase I/II report on indicators and baseline from April 2005

Further reading

The Icelandic Transport Administration's accident map shows locations of traffic accidents in Iceland classified by type.